Saturday, April 11, 2015

Just Critters Who Care

When the young neighborhood critters get together to play ball, they accidentally hit the ball into the yard of Tiger's neighbor.  The spooky-looking yard is intimidating for the young animals.  Little critter decides to be brave and risk an encounter with the monster who is certain to live there.  He discovers that there is no monster there at all, rather a single older rabbit with no bunny to help her maintain things.  Little critter decides to get a team together to help her fix up her home and yard, calling the group "Critters Who Care" (Mayer, 2010).   
This picturebook falls under the fantasy fiction genre. The characters are talking animals who live in a world where all animals get along and work together. The overall design of this book is lovely.  The book is of medium size, large enough to see all the pictures well, but small enough for little hands to handle proficiently.  Galda, Cullinan, & Sipe (2010) explain that quality picturebooks should have a surprise or shift at page turns, inviting the reader to wonder what happens next and give the desire to continue moving through the story (p. 100).  I think this book does this nicely.  The text and illustrations establish the mood, setting, characters and theme of the story with illustrations that appropriately expand on the story (Galda, Cullinan,& Sipe, 2010, p. 127).  
This is an adorable story with an excellent message for children.  It teaches them that there is often more to a given situation than what we initially perceive.  It also demonstrates someone very young being very helpful and making a real difference in someone's life.  
These books are both written and illustrated by Mercer Mayer.  These colorful cartoons bring life and feeling to his stories.  His books are fun to look at.  There is a little spider and mouse in the background of each page of this book; another great way to engage young readers.

Reader Response Questions:
1. Why did the little critters think that there was a monster living at the house next to Tiger?
2. What did little critter do when he discovered the situation of the bunny who lived there?
3. How did the bunny feel about little critter's plan?

Motivational Activity:
Think of someone you know who could use your help.  If you put a team together to help this person, what would you call your group and how would you identify yourselves?  Write about what you would do, what you would call yourselves, and draw a picture of what your group's t-shirts would look like.

One of Saint Leo University's core values is respect (Saint Leo University, n.d.).  We learn to respect those we serve.  Providing children the opportunity to reach outside themselves to think of who they can help instead of always focusing on who can help them, allows them to develop deeper feelings of respect for mankind. Jesus Christ was our perfect example of loving and serving others and treating all people with respect and compassion.  Saint Leo University strives to follow that example by valuing excellence and respecting the gifts and talents of others (Saint Leo University, n.d.). 

I  love Mercer Mayer books.  I am drawn to his little critter who is such an adorable, lovable character.  I began reading his books when I was a young child and read them now with my children. has some great resources to get children involved with his books.  There are coloring pages, a sing-a-long section, new apps, interactive read and play, and more!

Galda, L., Cullinan, B., & Sipe, L. (2010). Literature and the child 
        (2nd ed.). Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning.

Meyer, M. (2010). Just critters who care. New York, NY: Harper 

Saint Leo University. (n.d.). Mission and values.   Retrieved 

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